
What is flu?

Flu is an infectious respiratory illness. It is caused by influenza viruses that circulate regularly, usually during the cold months from December to March. It is therefore almost a normal part of winter.

How does flu manifest itself?

A sudden high fever (>38 °C) and general symptoms of illness are typical signs of flu. Others include chills, runny or stuffy nose, cough, sore throat and pain when swallowing, head ache, dizziness and pain in the chest, joints and muscles. These symptoms last one to two weeks. Children may also experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Older people may have flu without having a fever.

How flu is different from colds

Like COVID-19, flu can in some cases cause severe and sometimes life-threatening complications, while this is very rare in colds.

You can protect yourself from winter flu by being vaccinated. A flu vaccination will only protect you from real flu (Influenza) but not from COVID-19 and all the other coughs and colds going around during the winter.

The COVID-19 vaccination does not protect you from flu.

Flu vaccination test

Do you belong to a group with an increased risk of complications of influenza? Do the check.

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