
Risk of infection and transmission

In places where lots of people congregate, there is an increased risk of infection and transmission.

Influenza viruses are easily transmitted from one person to another. The viruses are transmitted either directly via droplets that are spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, or indirectly through contact with contaminated surfaces (e.g. door handles, touch screens) on which viruses can survive for a certain time.

During the incubation period which lasts between one and four days, the infected person will show no flu symptoms at all. But as an infected person is already carrying the virus, they can already transmit it to others one day before symptoms develop.

To prevent further spread of the flu, you should follow the rules on hygiene and social distancing and stay at home as soon as you have flu symptoms.

Flu vaccination test

Do you belong to a group with an increased risk of complications of influenza? Do the check.

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