
Undesirable side effects

The risk of developing severe flu complications is many times higher than the likelihood of experiencing severe side effects following the vaccination.

The most common side effects of the seasonal flu vaccination are redness or soreness at the injection site in around 10% to 40% of cases. Isolated symptoms, such as a high temperature, muscle pain or feeling slightly unwell are observed in 5% to 10% of cases. They are harmless and subside after a few days without any treatment.

If people have an allergy, in very rare cases they may experience a rash, oedema or breathing difficulties, and in extremely rare cases an immediate allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). In one in every million vaccinated people, a temporal association is observed between the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome and the flu vaccination. However, GBS occurs much more frequently with flu.

Flu vaccination test

Do you belong to a group with an increased risk of complications of influenza? Do the check.

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